It's that time again!
The final chance to reduce your annual tax bill is here. Spend a few minutes considering the following ideas:
1. Make last minute charitable donations.
2. Review and maximize use of the $15,000 annual gift giving limit.
3. Review your investment portfolio for capital gain and loss planning.
4. Use your annual $3,000 net capital loss limit to lower ordinary income if appropriate.
5. Maximize the kiddie tax threshold rules ($2,200 of unearned income taxed at your child’s lower tax rate).
6. Make last minute contributions to your retirement account to take advantage of the annual contribution limits.
7. Identify any potential tax forms required for household employees.
8. Consider donating appreciated stock owned one year or longer.
9. Review retirement accounts. Make any required minimum distributions.
10. Review medical and dependent care funding accounts to ensure you do not lose contributions that do not rollover into the new year.
11. Consider retirement plan rollover options into Roth IRAs.
12. Estimate your tax liability and make any final estimated tax payments.
13. Create a list of expected 1099 and other tax forms you will be receiving.
14. Review your W-2 withholdings and file any changes with your employer for the upcoming year.
15. Begin organizing your tax records.
Should you have any questions on these ideas, ask for help prior to taking action. In many cases, the requirements and documentation needed are important to ensure you receive the full tax savings benefit.
Tax Resolution Accounting
500 Stuart St, Lynchburg, VA 24501